Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Searching for Perspective

September 15, 2008

I gotta say, I really love Facebook. I’m fond of MySpace because it’s kept me in close contact with some great friends I’ve had since high school and some great friends I have NOW (you know who you are!), but Facebook is a totally different world. I have found people I used to work with. Friends from college, from grad school. Even friends from middle school!

I just got a cool e-mail from someone I knew way back in the dark ages – also known as high school – after I sent him a friend request. I have a ridiculously good memory for just about everyone I’ve met over the years, but I never assume that other people have quite the same memory skills. So I e-mailed Sam and made sure to tell him why he knew me (since it’s been 20 years). Today, he responded and just brightened up my day. He said, “Hey Miss Mewborn - you are well remembered. The interesting ones are.”

I spent a few minutes thinking, “I’m interesting? I was interesting back then? Cool!” Then it hit me and I thought, “I wonder if that is GOOD interesting or BAD interesting???” I guess it depends on your perspective! Since he accepted my request, I’ll go with it being good. :o)

Perspective is a really big thing in my life right now for some reason. The more I think about it the more it creeps into my daily life when I least expect it. I'm reading this really good book called "Thank You for Being Such a Pain: Spiritual Guidance for Dealing with Difficult People" by Mark Rosen. I've read it before, but I think it's time for a refresher course because who doesn't have difficult people in their lives, right? Right.

It has taught me that everyone does what they do for a reason and if we don't know their reasons, then it is hard - or impossible - to deal with and understand the situations that come up. Even worse, if you have difficult people in your life, you have to realize that for someone out there, YOU are the difficult person. Yipes! My sweet little angelic, perfect self (yes, I am laughing as I write that) is someone's royal pain in the patootie? Wow. Go figure. :o)

But again, it's about perspective. I’m working to learn to appreciate those differences and understand how my actions have ripple effects. I'm still struggling with God's plan for my life as I try to figure out where I am supposed to be - geographically and metaphorically (or something like that) - and what I am supposed to be doing in terms of a career that will make me happy and fulfilled. I pray. And I pray. And pray. Then I pray again and in the end, I pray even more.

I’m not sure why God isn’t sending me any answers. Or is He? I’m thinking His perspective is vastly different than mine. What I interpret as silence from Him is probably hugely different in reality. I know He is working, but I can’t help wanting a big, flashing neon sign to help me along the path.

So I’ll keep praying and waiting and remember to be thankful for this amazing life God has given me. I’ll try to learn my lessons so I can move on to the next chapter of life. And I’ll probably eat a lot of peanut M&Ms because, well, they are just darned good!But that’s just MY perspective and if you don’t share it, well, cool! More M&Ms for me!! Woohoo!

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