Monday, May 30, 2011

On Saturday I took a little walk...

On Saturday I needed to run a book-on-CD back to the library and decided to walk. It's only about 20 minutes away and I've done it before. However, I lollygagged and didn't leave the house until about 11am, when it was a tad bit toastier than it would have been if I'd left at say, 9:45am.  But with a bottle of water I headed of f anyway and decided to take pictures as I walked along of anything I saw that I found  interesting.  And here is what I found.

Some of the neighbors down the street had flags lining the sidewalk for Memorial Day.

Y'know, you see a toilet on the front porch of a house and think, "I'll bet there's a story there!"  And, in fact, there IS a story here.  And I know what it is.  But... I'm not gonna tell it.  Leave an email addy if you want the story.
Stage door for the arts center down the street. NOT the stage door for the theatre I work with, but mere steps away from the door I enter to the theatre.
We had rain the night before which usually stirs up all manner of things. Including trash.
I am always fascinated by the tracks or shoe prints left in the cement on the sidewalks around my neighborhood.
Local architect's office that I have always thought would make a cool house. From the outside anyway.
Church steeple at First Pres.  Not my church, though I am a Presbyterian. For whatever that matters.
Someone at the county administration building is feeding a cat it seems...
Courthouse windows.
Courthouse steps. I took a longer route home and took some time out to sit and just watch the world go by.  As much as it does down there on Main Street. 
Courthouse flags flying at half-mast and flapping in the breeze.

Part of what I picked up at the 'brary.  Always need some books on CD for the long commute to and from work.
The real question is, will I actually manage to read both books before they are due back 2 in weeks.  History would suggest that it's not likely.