Saturday, April 4, 2009

Find the "No Whining Zone"

November 24, 2008

I hate to break this to you all, but I don't have a nice, sappy Thanksgiving message to share with you. As a rule, I really don't do the whole sappy thing anyway. When I send family members heart-felt cards, they wonder what is wrong with me. I usually “zing” them with something like telling my brother he is what every family wants for Thanksgiving…a turkey. That is what they expect from me. And believe it or not, that’s how they know I love them.

What can I say? We’re a wacky bunch. Our family Thanksgiving this year will consist of me, my father, my brother and his wife, her sister and mother, my brother’s 2 daughters, my brother’s ex-wife, her new husband and, if history repeats itself, probably my brother’s ex-mother-in-law and possibly some of his ex-wife’s new in-laws. Yeah, never a dull moment around that Thanksgiving table I assure you!

So now it’s time for some Thanksgiving Tough Love from Shannon.

Stop complaining. Get off your butt and DO SOMETHING!! Yeah, I’m talking to me too here, not just screeching at the masses.

If you can read this e-mail message, be thankful. That means you either have a computer at home, at work, or access to a computer. That’s a pretty big deal in some places, even though we tend to think of it is commonplace.

If you have a job, be thankful. Even if it’s not your dream job, it’s paying the bills and putting food on the table. Not everyone has that these days and in the future, it’s likely that a lot more will not have that to count on. I thank God regularly for my job and most of y’all know I’m not happy in my job for the most part. If I can put on my big girl pants and get over it, you can too (or big boy pants…just work with me here).

If you’re uncomfortable with something in your life, be thankful. That means that God is moving in your life. He’s with you and He won’t let you down. EVER. Count on it.

If you have aches and pains, be thankful. I hate merely saying I have arthritis, much less waking up with daily back pain, but you know what? I did wake up this morning. I got up out of bed all by myself and was able to feed and dress myself and drive myself to work. I promise you that there are people in the world who feel MUCH worse than you or I do today and are miserable because they can’t do things for themselves. I’m oddly grateful for the aches and pains some days because it means I have feeling. I might have strained a muscle, but at least I was able to do the activity that caused the strain.

I could go on and on, but I actually do have some work to do so I can keep the job that pays the bills and puts food on the table. Just remember that we ALL have a LOT to be thankful for this Thanksgiving. I challenge us all to make this a “No Whining Zone” for…well, for however long you can keep it up! And when it’s impossible to keep it up, take a break, let it out, and start all over again.

But remember that you are never, ever the person in the worst situation out there. Someone has it worse than you or I do and someone is looking at your life or mine and thinking what a sweet deal we have. Kinda makes you think, doesn’t it?

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