Sunday, April 5, 2009

How job searches are like dating

January 19, 2009

Time’s fun when you’re having flies. ~ Kermit the Frog ~

I think job searching is kind of like dating. You put your best face out there to the masses and hope that someone responds. Pick me! Pick me!! Ooooohhhh puuuhleeeeeze pick meeeeeee!!! Yeah, it kinda stinks of desperation sometimes too, doesn’t it? :o)

I’ve been on so many blind dates, I should get a free dog. ~ Wendy Leibman ~

I had a job interview late today and it was ok. Not great. Not horrible. Just…okay. It was a phone interview which should theoretically be easier. I always get nervous though. I figure nerves are good because it means you are paying attention and concerned about what you are about to do.

I kept being struck, however, about how similar interviews are to dating. I mean, dating is just a personal interview really, right? Probing beneath the surface to see if there is a compatible substance there.

I struggle with the question of “Tell me about yourself” in job interviews. Ummm…what do you want to know? I need more to work with here!! As a rule, they want you to tell them about yourself professionally, but the last time I did that – in an interview about 4 months ago – they started asking me about my hobbies and what I do in my spare time. Huh? What? Isn’t that a question reserved for the dating interview as opposed to the job one??? W hat is up with that?!?!

So I fumbled and stumbled through that question today and felt like a general idiot. (Another great chance for a comparison to dating because when haven’t all of us been speaking to a member of the opposite sex and felt like a doofus? Don’t even try to tell me you haven’t because I won’t believe you!) Thankfully someone rescued me before I babbled on too much, but that was one of the first questions, so I’m not sure I made the best first impression, even though I kinda kicked butt on a few of those other questions. I guess it’s just time to brush up on my answer to that particular question – I soooo have the “What are your strengths and weaknesses” question down!!

At the touch of love, everyone becomes a poet. ~ Plato ~

Whether it’s dating or a job interview or whatever else, the only thing I know is that I don’t know anything. Well, that’s not completely true. I do know one thing. That God has a plan. I repeated that over and over again today to a lot of people who were just finding out about my lay off from my job. “All I know is that God has a plan. I’m glad one of us does and it’s better Him than me!” I don’t know what the plan is, but I rest peacefully being able to say and truly believe that God has one for me. I hope you do as well because I know he has one for you too.

“Secret forces are bringing compatible spirits together. If the man permits himself to be led by this ineffable attraction, good fortune will come his way. When deep friendships exist, formalities and elaborate preparations are not necessary.”
‘I Ching’ quote

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