Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Sometimes stuffed animals are freakin' scary

January 26, 2009

***WARNING!!! I am about to share with you an atrociously stupid story for which you will, no doubt, mock me greatly later. I know it’s foolish, but I do have a point. Just remember, that.

Do you ever get the dumbest idea in your head and you know it’s totally stupid, but you can’t seem to shake it? If not, then you are one of the lucky ones! I get those thoughts from time to time and they make me nuts. Last night was one of those times.

I came home from the Bible Community Group leadership meeting and the house was dark. I was locking up the back door and glanced over into a dark corner where my beloved stuffed Scooby Doo resides (no, that’s not the mocking part yet). I’ve been a Scooby fan since I was a little girl growing up in Virginia . Every year we’d go to the Kings Dominion amusement park (just like Carowinds, but with different names for the rides) and every year I’d try to get my father to buy me a stuffed Scooby Doo. And every year, he’d tell me it was too expensive. I have no idea what the toy cost, but I never got my Scooby.

Fast forward to around 2003 and I was taking some student orientation leaders to Carowinds for a day trip. I spied a great stuffed Scooby and decided I had to buy it. I must have it!! And as an adult (which is debatable after this story I know) with disposable income, I could finally buy the toy for myself. I’ve loved that stuffed Scooby ever since I bought it and it represented something to me I guess to finally have it.

So last night, I’m looking at Scooby and thinking that in the dark, he can be a little creepy. Me being me, I start thinking, “You know, that’s how it starts in a horror movie. The toy jumps out at you in the dark of the night and attacks you!” (We are now getting towards the mocking part.) This thought refused to leave my head (not that I’m a drama queen or anything) and somehow it got all wrapped up in the notion of the devil being able to possess things and people and me not needing any proof of that whatsoever. Y’know, just in case Scooby really was about to go on the attack or something (let the mocking commence!).

The trouble with it all was, my mind got out of control and into such a weird, random place, but yet at the same time, I know the devil exists and can do a lot of things, just like I know that God exists and do amazing things. I need no visions of strange horror movie scenes to know that the devil is out there. All the time. Watching. Waiting for a doorway into our lives. It only takes a crack to let him in.

Personally, I think he was pretty ticked off at the great BCG meeting we had last night and was messing with my head. There were so many folks in that room last night just focusing on what the BCGs can do in people’s lives that I think the devil was pretty angry. And when you have someone like me who would not watch the movie “Poltergeist” until about age 25 because it scared me so much at age 11 (partly because of the clown doll that tried to strangle the little boy in this movie), well, you have a crack in the doorway.

It’s ridiculous to admit, but I woke up a couple of times in the middle of the night and had thoughts of being stalked by Scooby Doo.. I knew it wasn’t going to happen, but I stopped and prayed then and there because I just had an uneasy feeling. I’ve had them before, like the devil is there with me, taunting me. I was not inclined to let him win.

In the grey light of day – cause I ain’t seein’ no sunshine out there today – I thought about the quote from Franklin D. Roosevelt , “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.” And while I’m not afraid of my beloved Scooby, I’m pretty sure I felt something…off…last night and I wasn’t imagining it. The devil is crafty. He’ll try to get into your heart in ways you won’t even realize because they seem so silly and foolish. He can take something you love and turn it into something you fear. Don’t let him! And if you feel uneasy, PRAY!! Just because what you are feeling doesn’t make any sense, doesn’t mean the feelings aren’t valid.

And when in doubt, lock up the stuffed animals at night. Y’know…just in case.

1 comment:

RLR said...

Not finding this foolish/stupid/dumb in the least. I very much dislike being the last one to go upstairs at night, especially when my husband is out of town. Even though I lock the doors. Even though I check them again. I hear the house creak or see a shadow/thing that's out of place/thing that's in place but just looking at me funny and I get the creeps. For this reason, I DON'T watch scary movies. AT. ALL. Totally getting you on this. (Wait, did that just sound like I usually don't get you? Not at all what I meant...)