Monday, August 22, 2016

The Things I Won't Be

Apparently when I’m tired and on vacation, I write stream-of-consciousness notes on my iPhone and find them later. I can neither confirm or deny that happens after I’ve been up till 4am, killing 2 bottles of wine with my bestie and then having her make me try on nearly every dress in her closet – including her wedding dress – some of which were at least 2 sizes smaller than yours truly. But it could have happened then. It’s all a blur at this point. In a good way.  

I think we could learn a lot about each other if we looked at the notes on folks’ phones. I tend to store all kinds of things in those notes, from grocery lists to random bits of wannabe poetry to, well, to things that aren’t your business. Hahahahahaha I act like I don’t tell everyone my business these days. I’m so funny.  

I don’t remember what precipitated writing this, but after re-reading it, I kinda like it. Maybe even a lot. 

The Things I Won’t Be
I won't be the woman who's ashamed. 

I won't be the woman who refuses to deal with her problems I won't be the one who hides because she's afraid people will see her. 

I won't be afraid to face my problems head on. To fight for what is worth fighting for. 

I won't be the woman waiting for someone else to save her when I can damned well save myself. 

Who hides behind her mother's skirts. 

Who needs someone else to tell me I'm pretty. 

Who needs your approval or flinches when you disapprove. 

Who sits idly by while the world keeps moving around me. 

Who puts on a pretty facade while inside my guts are churning. 

Who lets anyone else tell me what to do or how to live my life.

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