Friday, January 1, 2010

This is as close as I come to making New Year's Resolutions

I hope you all had a nice New Year's Eve, for those so inclined to engage in all the festivities. I have never been a fan of this particular "holiday" except getting a day off work. It was never a big deal in my home growing up and I don't recall my parents ever going out to NYE parties. I don't have anything against it, per se, just never saw the point. People seem to think that is because my mother died on NYE 1999, but that is not the case. Just general ambivalence.

That said, I did go to a friend's house last night to hang out with some folks I seldom get to see and had a nice time. I skew towards the low key end of the spectrum for fun. I watched a friend’s little boy giggle and giggle and just be too darn cute. I ate some yummy food. Someone even sidled up to me and said I looked like I'd been losing weight and someone else said when they first met me (a few years ago) they were shocked to learn my age because they thought I looked about 10 years younger. Yeah, can't argue with any of that. *grin*

As for 2010, I am hoping it's better than 2009. 2009 was probably half good and half bad. Not a bad balance really since I had expected it be a crappy year being unemployed. So the job situation is a huge plus, I had so much fun at my 20th high school reunion that it should have been illegal, but that is balanced by the deaths of two friends within the same week. Oh yes, and I got a kickin’ new job that I simply love and am so blessed to have landed in. For a year that started out with only the promise of looming unemployment, it turned out better in many ways than I would have expected.

I really don't make resolutions, but there are areas I'd like to improve in in my life, but that's a daily thing to deal with rather than something I think you should focus on on January 1st.

But for the sake of joining the resolution madness, I present Shannon’s Version of New Year’s Resolutions.

1) I will not do physical harm to people who cannot learn to spell the word “definitely” correctly. There is NO “A” in “definitely”!! Of that, I am DEFINITELY sure!!

2) I will not take up running. I tried it. I don’t like it. I refuse to do it. The exception to this rule is if I am being chased by a serial killer. In that instance, I think it would be prudent to revise this particular resolution.

3) I will not be growing my hair out in 2010. Tried it. Didn’t like it. Much like the aforementioned running.

4) In 2010 I will continue to wonder what my natural hair color is. I think it’s brown. Possibly dark brown. I’m reasonably confident there is some grey in there too, but we’ll never know for sure!

5) I will not be getting married in 2010. In conjunction with this, I will not be a) getting pregnant or b) having a baby.

6) I will eat too much on many occasions and regret it later.

7) I will never exercise as much as I think I should, but at least I’ll exercise.

8) I’ll miss the people I have loved and lost, but know that they are in a much better place, without sadness or pain and that will make me smile.

9) I will continue to think my butt is too big, my bank account too small, and my fabulousness frequently unappreciated.

10) I will continue to love Bon Jovi. I know. You’re shocked. Try to control yourselves.

I'm just hoping that this year is better than next - for more than just me.

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