Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Reunion Reflections

I originally posted this entry earlier today, but now I'm coming back to it to add a bit here, change a bit there. See if I can flesh out my thoughts a bit more. 

I went to my 25th high school reunion on Saturday night. As most or many will say in that situation, "How did I get to be this old??" Honestly, it seems like just yesterday that I was in high school. I can barely fathom that it's been 25 years. I think all my fellow grads felt the same way.

Fortunately for me, I enjoy going to reunions like this. I missed my 10th, even after helping to plan it, but made it to the 20th and will certainly show up at any and all that come along in the future as I am able. I enjoy them, but I know that some folks do not. I've met more than one person who would never even considering attending their high school reunion.  That makes me a little sad, but I have to remind myself that 1) not everyone had a good experience in high school and 2) not everyone is quite the sentimental type that I am over stuff like this. I tend to want to bond for life. I mean, I would still be keeping up and spending time with people I knew in nursery school if I could get them to go along with it. LOL  Maybe I have attachment issues...

I laughed myself silly at dinner sitting with my friend Ken and his wife Rachel and some other folks.  Ken has some interesting memories from high school. I’m not saying they didn’t happen - although he did mention *ahem* certain reasons why his memory might be muddled from those years - but they sure were funny! I laughed till my sides hurt and for that, I am grateful.  Now if I could only remember if I really did do and say those things! Or maybe it's better if I forget.

The high school reunion is an interesting animal.  I mean, where else can you go that people will come up and talk to you like they know you, but you know for a fact that you never spoke two words to each other during all four years of high school? Now, I don't mean that as a criticism at all. I really don't. It's a little odd (to me, anyway), but mostly it's really nice. There seems to be something about a shared experience that connects people as we grow older, regardless of how well they knew or did not know each other once upon a time. At least, that’s what I have found to be true. So I know I hugged people and talked to people that I never spoke to  in high school for whatever reason and to me, that's fun.  My hope would always be that any bad experiences or teenage cliquish divisions can be left at the door of the banquet hall and a good time can be had by all.  Our group sure seemed to make that work on Saturday night.  Yay us!  I tried to talk to as many people as I could, but I know I didn't manage to get to everyone. But that's the only way I know to enjoy those gatherings - get up and move around and mingle. I've yet to regret doing it.

I must say that my jealousy was in high gear that night as well. The ladies I graduated with are all looking wonderful. I, however, am not. Let's not discuss the size of my butt. Please, I beg of you. Hence, there will be no posting of photos from the weekend.  Yeah, I was jealous, but I also like cake. You can see the problem here. It is, however, my problem, but I'll try to turn it around and say that I thought everyone looked wonderful.  Did I mention I was jealous?  But I'm going to get rid of that problem before the next go-round, if to make no one happy but myself.

Yeah, I'll keep going to my high school reunions when I am able and will hopefully continue to enjoy them as well.  It'll be sadder as years go on and some folks are unable to be there. That's the worst part - the folks who have passed away since we graduated.  Poignant reminders that life is short.

I couldn't find many clips that I really loved from movies or TV shows about high school reunions. I know there are movies about reunions, but it's been so long since I've seen them that nothing stands out. But this clip from Designing Women has always been a favorite (because of my own weight issues I have no doubt) and I'd love to have a reunion weekend with my college friends.  Just not because anyone has died. Please, let's get together when we all have the chance to do so. I think it would be worth it.

 The best part is around 4 minutes into this clip.

Not high school, but I dare say that I think my college friends and I need to have a big, crazy reunion weekend.  But not involving anyone's death please.

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