Saturday, June 16, 2012

Movin' right along

Anyone who knows me knows that I moved a couple of weeks ago.  I'm pretty settled in already and while I wish I had more space in my apartment (it's challenging to move from a house to a smaller apartment), I'm going to look at this as a chance to purge more of the "stuff" I've collected over the years rather than keep thinking of it as needing more space since I have things to fill up the space. 

A couple of friends have asked me this past week if I miss my house and the answer is no. I loved that house. I really and truly did. If I hadn't had to move for work reasons I'd have kept that house indefinitely I am sure. It was a great place with lots of space, but I did have 3 rooms I never used.  Except to fill up with "stuff"!  I feel like I should miss my house, so the fact that I don't is a bit odd to me.  I guess I was more ready to let go than I thought I would be.  So I say good for me!

And now, moving madness in pictures!

Bathroom cleaned and empty and Pooh was ready to move on!

I have too much stuff.  Anyone want some stuff??
Why do we always forget that after you pack, you have to UNpack???
Looks a leeeeetle bit better now that things are unpacked.

Some day I'll use matching pillow cases.  Maybe.  And I might even put the comforter on the bed.  Possibly.

1 comment:

Shannon said...

Congratulations on the move! I can't believe you're already unpacked...I still have boxes and I moved in March! LOL

LOVE the screened in porch.