Sunday, September 4, 2011

When it doubt, the answer is Paul McCartney

A couple of weeks ago I was at a trivia night in a local restaurant and the category was song lyrics by ex-Beatles.  Uh... I'm not great with Beatles lyrics, so this was not going to end well.  But it could have. It just... didn't.

You see, I kept hoping against hope that the answer was going to be Ringo Starr. So over and over again I would answer Ringo and each time, it would be Paul McCartney. You'd think I would have learned after the first time that happened, but I think I answered Ringo 3 times because I figured the harder the questions got, the more likely it was Ringo. But it was never, ever Ringo.  Never. Ever.  Once it was George Harrison. Once it was John Lennon. Otherwise, Paul.

Ultimately I found the whole thing kind of amusing which is odd for me because it knocked me out of competition and my team lost and I do not like to lose at trivia. It's my thing (gimme a break, it's all I've got).  Truth be told, I'm a know-it-all and I have no doubt that I'm obnoxious about it as well. I can't seem to help myself.  Or maybe I just don't try. Regardless, I think I accepted this defeat at least reasonably graciously which is a big thing for me since I'm a bad winner and a bad loser.

Since that night I've thought about this a lot. Not losing (because the next team I was on won that night), but about how even when I should have realized and answered Paul McCartney, I was determined to keep going with Ringo Starr.  That's such a habit that I think is typical in me and probably everyone at times.  We keep forging forward even when we know that what we are doing is probably wrong.  That there is another, more obvious answer to whatever it is.  But like a dog with a bone, we stick with Ringo Starr.

Ah well.  Lesson learned.  Hopefully.  And poor Ringo, he just doesn't get the love he deserves!

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