Tuesday, September 22, 2009

The Week of SUCK!

Well my friends, it was certainly a Week of SUCK last week. Two friends gone. Two friends dying much too young. Two families mourning the loss of loved ones. Many more sharing in that mourning. Totally a WEEK OF SUCK!

On Tuesday I found out that my high school friend Mike had passed away the previous Saturday. He was hit by a car while stopped in the road, at night, trying to help an injured cat. I had communicated a little with Mike about a year or so ago on MySpace, but prior to that not for about 20 years. Many in our circle of friends have wondered over the years what had become of Mike and I am glad that before his death at least some of us had found that answer.

Mike was a sweetheart of a guy. He drove me to school every day of my junior, his senior, year of high school and we had all kinds of conversations. He was probably the first one who knew all about my crush on...well, if you went to high school with me then you'd know just who that was, so I don't have to elaborate. :o) Since his death someone said they had been trying to get him to come back east with them to see folks during my class reunion. Mike will definitely be with us in spirit.

Then Thursday the news came down that my friend Andrea was fading fast. I don't even know what to say about all of that. I think I said a lot of it pretty well in my previous 2 posts here on this blog. My heart is sick for her family and everyone who knew and loved her. Her death is such a great loss.

I freely admit a lot of the friends in our circle were much closer to Andrea than I was. I'm not big on making phone calls and I can be really lousy with returning e-mails. I don't get on instant messenger anymore. I tend to lose touch with people unless I can keep track of them somewhere like Facebook. But I still grieve strongly for her loss. I tear up just thinking about her. And that is a testimony to my friend - how she could touch SO MANY lives and it doesn't matter whether you were her best friend or hadn't talked to her in years, she still touched you.

But while I am sad for myself and her family and friends, I'm happy for Andrea. Happy that she's out of pain. Happy that she doesn't have to fight the cancer anymore. Happy that she's left behind a great legacy through everything she accomplished in a life that was all too short. It's certainly worth celebrating. We will all die one day, but I dare say that we probably all won't be as well thought of as Andrea.

And so with last week being so sucky, I'm looking forward to this new week with happier times and events. If I was excited about my 20th high school reunion before, then I am ecstatic now that it is merely 10 days away. So many faces I want to see, friends I want to hug. So long Week of Suck. Don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.

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